Lately I've felt much less enthusiastic about my novel. It's like I'm so used to my ideas now that I've sort of worn them out. Like when you eat the same food too much it just gets...boring?
I feel less motivated to write and find myself writing lesss and less lately. I'm more focused on reading articles and web pages on writing then I am actually writing. I just can't get excited the way I did when I began. I really am starting to struggle with getting my head round the whole story altogether. Everything feels all wrong. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I mean I've just started this blog about trying to make it as a writer! I can't be falling into the writers block bubble already can I? I should be confident, excited, motivated and eager the way I was when I began but it's all sort of washed out of me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get back on the horse? As some might say. How to get back into my novel, feel more eager and excited about it and how to make myself more motivated to write?
i don't have any suggestions, but i'm the same way. once i set my course and go, i'm suddenly out of gas quicker than i would have imagined. everyone is built differently. i take my foot off the gas. i ease up and take a break and get my mind on other things so my subconscious can fiddle with my story and inspiration can return. hang in there, even loosely:)
ReplyDeleteSchedules work for me. I set up a time to write and I write whether I'm inspired or not. Occasionally writer's block still hits, but sometimes that means the story isn't going to way it should be and I haven't recognised it needs a fix. Or, I simply need a short break.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great answers and I'll be trying out both techniques. I think that's what's happened to me Ed, I've been so into my writing that now I've just ran out of steam. I'll take the weekend off and stop thinking so much about the story and then by monday I'll make sure I start scheduling my writing. I probably do need to be stricter with myself Lynda so I'll be sure I do whip myself into ship-shape! Thanks for taking the time to help me out, I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteHi are just going through a writing slump. It happens to all of us. Draw up a writing schedule and make sure you don't move from that chair for the duration of time.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that always works for me is to start reading the books from my TBR pile. Nothing like reading to inspire us to write again.
And don't forget that workout.Any exercise that makes you feel energized is good.
Thanks so much Rachna! You are probably right. I'll definately be forcing myself to sit there and write until I at least have something down to show for it! I just got some new books from the library so hopefully they'll do some inspiring. I never thought about exercise before but sounds like a great idea, I guess when the blood is pumped and flowing it pumps up some juices in the brain too! I'll be putting myself on the wii fit every morning in that case!