Saturday 14 January 2012

This is my year!

It's a new year, a time to turn over leaves, wipe slates clean and set ourselves new goals.
Upon finishing my time working at W H Smiths (my contract finished yesterday as I was a Christmas temp) I've learned a lot about the real world, mostly that it's tough! Before I had a job I don't think I ever realised how tough it would be, you have to be motivated and work hard or you really won't go anywhere. But as long as you set your goals and keep at it, there's really no reason why you can't achieve those dreams. My dream is to be a writer, a real published writer. I want people to read about what I have to say and care about my stories too. Maybe even one day I want someone to point at the TV screen and say 'Hey, isn't that the girl who wrote them books?' Yes, it's aiming high but you have to have big goals to reach them. Now I'm not working anymore I will be focusing a lot on my writing (aside from looking for another job) every morning I will get up early and write for two hours straight. I will not miss a day out, I will write the cruddy first draft without looking back at what I've wrote and eventually that first draft will become a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th and become something decent through the blood, sweat and tears I've spent working on it. It will, because I will make sure of it! And with that, here are some of my New Years resoloutions;

1. Write a book
2. Enter more poetry/short story competitions
3. Be motivated & organised!
4. Get a job
5. Go on holiday
6. Be a kinder girlfriend


Thursday 6 October 2011

I'm a...Foyles Young Poet of the Year

Today I had to attend the award ceremony as I was commended as one of the Foyles Young Poets of the year. For me, this as an amazing achievement and a great big step into the writing world. This took place in the Royal Festival Hall in London. During the ceremony we had snacks and refreshments and then all took our seats whilst the organisers of the competition spoke. Famous poets Imitiaz Dharker and Glenn Maxwell (who were the judges of the competition) also spoke about what we had achieved. The top 15 winners of the competition then read out their winning poems which were so excellent and inspiring. I was given prizes including a Foyles bag with various poetry books, posters and other treats inside. Altogether it was a brilliant day. Unforunately I won't be able to enter the competition again next year as I'll be eighteen by then but this whole thing has definately inspired my writing and gave me confidence to enter more competitions.

I also just want to apologise for not blogging more recently. I have just started my first job (the one I mentioned in the latter post) and have been completely exhausted. I haven't even found the energy to write either lately which is really getting to me. I get up early, work all day, come home and sleep. And any couple of hours where I do find myself awake I try to use to spend time with my poor neglected boyfriend. Once I get used to working and am less tired I will definately be working more on my writing and updating my blog more.

Saturday 24 September 2011

I got a job interview!

Yesterday I got a phonecall for a job interview to work at WH.Smiths. I've been looking for a job for a long time now so this is very important to me. I'm so excited but extremley nervous! Is there any advice that people could offer to make sure I give them a good impression? Also, I think that working here will be a great opportunity for my writing too. I'll be surrounded by inspiring books all day if I get the job, I'll get to talk to people in the book-selling industry and a job is something that I think will really motivate me in any way. The money will also be a bonus as I'll finally be able to buy notepads, books and other tools on writing. I'm just hoping that if I do get the job it won't affect my writing in a negative way where I find I have no time or energy to write. Of course I'm not going to think about all that just yet, I haven't even had the interview yet let alone got the job! Fingers crossed and wish me luck all the same!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Falling into a 'writers block'

Lately I've felt much less enthusiastic about my novel. It's like I'm so used to my ideas now that I've sort of worn them out. Like when you eat the same food too much it just gets...boring?
I feel less motivated to write and find myself writing lesss and less lately. I'm more focused on reading articles and web pages on writing then I am actually writing. I just can't get excited the way I did when I began. I really am starting to struggle with getting my head round the whole story altogether. Everything feels all wrong. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I mean I've just started this blog about trying to make it as a writer! I can't be falling into the writers block bubble already can I? I should be confident, excited, motivated and eager the way I was when I began but it's all sort of washed out of me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get back on the horse? As some might say. How to get back into my novel, feel more eager and excited about it and how to make myself more motivated to write?

Sunday 18 September 2011

the novel I'm writing - Rush

So I guess now it is about time I mention the novel I'm writing (or trying to!) It's a YA general fiction novel titled 'Rush' and based around the life of your average teenager (if average is taking drugs, binge drinking and staying out all night). The story is told by the young easily lead Jude Bellamy whose life takes an unexpected path to a world she'd never know if she hadn't met Rizza Rook. Rizza teaches her everything there is to know, shows her everything there is to see and is everything Jude could ever hope to be...or is she? As Jude dwelves deeper into this crazy lifestyle she begins to question whether taking drugs, getting drunk, never sleeping and getting into trouble really is all that worth it? and would being like Rizza really be better than being herself? I'll talk more about my novel in later posts and possibly post rough excerpts of it.  Also a while ago for fun I made some book covers of my novel, and I've decided I'm going to start posting them sometimes under my posts too.

Saturday 17 September 2011

And the Journey begins

- contents of post is deleted until after October 6th - (reasons why will be revealed after this date) -